direction Vienna, Austria     email




 Contact person:

 Dra. Lucía Pareja
 Qca. Silvina Niell
 Qco. Marcos Colazzo 


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 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 Research. Education.

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 Organic contaminants.
 Pesticide Residue Analysis.
 Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis.
 In Environmental, Feed and Food.

 National Reference Laboratory:


 Type of contaminants analysed:

 Pesticides, veterinary drugs, emergence contaminants.

 Matrices analysed:

 Soil, water, fruits, vegetables, rice; fish, bee products, meat

 Combination matrices and contaminants

 See annex

 Description of validated method used:

 Multiresidue methods, QuErchERS, AcOEt, MSPD and SPE

 Laboratory accredited according to


 Provision of interpretation of residue
 data to customers:

 It provides data interpretation

 Laboratory certified according to GLP:


 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 preparation of ad hoc reference
 materials when projects/funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes






 Contact person:

 Horacio Heinzen
 Verónica Cesio
 Andrés Pérez


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 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 Teaching, Research, Method development
 To analyze to third parties complex matrices not analyzed in the
 country/ region for pesticides and contaminants

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 To develop new analytical methodologies and to analyze difficult
 matrices like citrus fruits and juices, teas, water quality etc.   

 National Reference Laboratory:

 It Integrates the National Surveillance Program of pesticide
 residues in Fruits and Vegetables  

 Type of contaminants analysed:

 Pesticides: insecticides, fungicides &herbicides 

 Matrices analysed:

 Fruits & Vegetables (emphasis in citrus fruits)
 Herbal medicines
 Cereals (rice)
 Environmental samples( Water, Soils)

 Combination matrices and contaminants

 54 GC amenable pesticides analyzed in
 Yerba Mate 
 In coordination with the PAAP, 50 pesticides are analyzed 
 through LC-MS/MS
 12through LC DAD & 18 through LC MS/MS
 60 GC-Amenable anthropogenic contaminants
 In water
 The scope of both laboratories are complementary and work

 Description of validated method used:

 Variations and modifications thereof

 Laboratory accredited according to


 Provision of interpretation of residue
 data to customers:

 It provides data interpretation

 Laboratory certified according to GLP:


 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 preparation of ad hoc reference
 materials when projects/funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes






 Contact person:

 Q.F. Susana Franchi, Jefe de Sección Residuos de Plaguicidas
 Q.F. Graciela Fiorentino, Jefe de Departamento Laboratorios
 Q.F. Laura Lombardo, Coordinadora de la División Laboratorios. 


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 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 El Laboratorio de Residuos de Plaguicidas de la Dirección General
 de Servicios Agrícolas tiene como mandatos:

 1. Analizar las muestras del Plan Nacional de Vigilancia de
 Residuos de Plaguicidas en productos vegetales in natura (de
 importación, exportación y producción nacional), suelo y agua.

 2. Coordinar el envío de muestras a los demás Laboratorios 
 Nacionales que participan en el Plan Nacional de Vigilancia.

 3. Recibir los resultados de las muestras analizadas por estos

 4. Analizar las muestras provenientes de inspecciones Oficiales
 para constatación de deriva o desvíos de uso de plaguicidas
 agrícolas. Prestación de servicios de análisis a productores,
 empresas exportadoras de frutas, hortalizas, cereales; empresas
 registrantes de plaguicidas; Organismos Oficiales y Paraestatales.

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 En este sentido la Dirección General de Servicios Agrícolas cumple
 un rol en:

 1. Registro de Plaguicidas de uso Agrícola.
 2. Capacitación en el uso de Plaguicidas Agrícolas.
 3. Control post registro de productos formulados de plaguicidas.
 4. Lidera el Plan Nacional de Vigilancia de Residuos de Plaguicidas.

 National Reference Laboratory:

 No es de referencia, pero sí es el Laboratorio Oficial en la material
 del país.

 Type of contaminants analysed:

 Residuos de plaguicidas.

 Matrices analysed:

 Productos vegetales in natura y muestras ambientales (suelo y

 Combination matrices and
 contaminants analysed:


 Description of validated method used:


 Laboratory accredited according to

 No, aunque se encuentra en proceso de implementación de la
 Norma 17025.

 Provision of interpretation of residue
 data to customers:

 Sí, en caso de que lo soliciten

 Laboratory certified according to GLP:


 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 preparation of ad hoc reference
 materials when projects/funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes





 Contact person:

 Osvaldo Rampoldi


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 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 El laboratorio DILAVE cumple funciones de Contralor (Inocuidad
 Alimentaria, Registro y Control de Específicos Zooterápicos,
 Producción y Comercialización de Miel) y Diagnóstico (virología,
 bacteriología, parasitología, brucelosis, fiebre aftosa, BSE,

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 En el Departamento Protección de Alimentos se desarrollan los
 anáisis del Programa Nacional de Residuos y Contaminantes en
 alimentos de origen animal de Uruguay (PNRB).

 National Reference Laboratory:

 Sí. El laboratorio de Residuos y Contaminantes desarrolla los
 análisis correspondientes del PNRB desde 1978, en alimentos de 
 origen animal (carne, lácteos) y en diferentes especies (bovino,
 equino, ovino, suino, aves).    

 Type of contaminants analysed:

 Medicamentos de uso veterinario
 Promotores de crecimiento

 Matrices analysed:

 Músculo, Hígado, riñón, grasa, orina, leche, manteca

 Combination matrices and
 contaminants analysed:

 Ver anexo DILAVE.pdf

 Description of validated method used:


 Laboratory accredited according to


 By which accreditation body?

 Organismo Uruguayo de Acreditación (OUA)

 Provision of interpretation of residue
 data to customers:

 Sí, además del resultado analítico, se informa si la muestra es
 negativa, positiva y/o no conforme

 Laboratory certified according to GLP:


 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?

 Sí. Debe ser evaluada cada propuesta.

 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?

 Sí. Debe ser evaluada cada propuesta.  

 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?

 Sí. Debe ser evaluada cada propuesta.

 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes

 Sí. Debe ser evaluada cada propuesta.

 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes

 Sí. Debe ser evaluada cada propuesta.

 Is the laboratory available for
 preparation of ad hoc reference 
 materials when projects/funding
 becomes available?

 No. El DILAVE aún no cubre dicha actividad.

 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes

 No. El DILAVE aún no cubre dicha actividad.




 Contact person:

 Gabriella Feola


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 Mandate of the Laboratory:

 Quality Assessment and Environmental Control Service

 Role in the farm-to-fork chain:

 Monitoring quality of water, air, soil. Control of industrial
 effluents and industrial solid wastes. Provide environmental data
 to support control measures both in urban and rural areas.
 Support to the Unit of "Rural Montevideo, in charge of the
 development of the agricultural area of Montevideo.

 National Reference Laboratory:

 Yes. The country is divided in 19 Departments each one with a 
 department Government. Our laboratories are the reference at the
 level of the Government of Montevideo.

 Type of contaminants analysed:

 General physicochemical parameters, heavy metals,
 microbiological indicators, bioassays, inmunoassays, bioindicators.
 Physicochemical analysis: Dissolved Oxygen, BOD, pH, sulfide, oil
 and grease, solids, conductivity, salinity, chlorophyll a.
 Nutrients (N total , P total , Nitrates, Fosfates, Ammonia)
 Cyanobacterial toxins: Microcystins
 Bacteriological indicators: total and fecal coliforms, enterococci,
 Metals: Cd, Cr, Pb.
 Bioassays: Global toxicity
 Daphnia magna (Acute and Chronic assays), Selenastrum
 capricornutum (Chronic assay).
 Acute assays: Vibrio fischeri, Hydra attenuata, Lactuca sativa,
 Allium sp, Cnesterodon descenmaculatus, Hyalella curvispina,
 Cnesterodon descenmaculatos.
 Particulate matter: (PTS P10, PM2,5), Sulfur oxides: SO2. 
 Nitrogen oxides: NO2.

 Matrices analysed:

 Water (surface and groundwater), sediments, soils, air, industrial
 effluents, sludge.

 Combination matrices and contaminants

 Surface water: Physicochemical analysis, nutrients, bioassays, 
 cyanobacterial toxins, bacteriological indicators, metals.
 Groundwater. Physicochemical analysis, metals, microbiological
 Sediments: heavy metals and bioassays (porewater). 
 Soil: heavy metals, bioassays. 
 Air: Particulate matter, Sulfur oxides; Nitrogen oxides.

 Description of validated method used:

 Nitrates and microcystins in waters.
 Total Phosphorous ammonia, metals in industrial effluents.

 Laboratory accredited according to 


 Provision of interpretation of residue 
 data to customers:


 Laboratory certified according to :

 ISO 9001:2008

 Is laboratory available for research and
 development (R@D) within RALACA
 when funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for quality
 auditing services within RALACA when
 funding becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for expert
 missions within RALACA when funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc on-
 site training when funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for ad hoc
 remote/distance learning training when
 technology and funding becomes


 Is the laboratory available for
 preparation of ad hoc reference
 materials when projects/funding
 becomes available?


 Is the laboratory available for
 organization and distribution of ad hoc
 proficiency testing/collaborative trials
 when projects/funding becomes


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